Another '30s detective story, which apparently was the source story for Hitchcock's Suspicion. This has a woman who marries a guy who's obviously a bit of a rogue, and is convinced she can change him for the better. Initially she tries to ignore or forgive his increasingly bad behaviour, but eventually has to confront it. He, meanwhile, manipulates and gaslights her.
This was quite a lot better than the chocolate mystery thing. Quite tense. I would be interested to see the film, although supposedly the plot was changed in that from the book.
It was good the way that her suspicion through the book waxed and waned and you could understand why even though you know, given he type of book it is, that Johnnie should not be trusted
It’s not so much a whodunnit as a howwillhedoit. Although it’s never actually proved that Johnnie has done the murders that Lina suspects him of. So there’s at least a chance that it is only in her imagination.
Completed : 29-Dec-2017