Using The Bible app, I got through the entire Bible by reading a bit every day. The plan I was using meant that you ended up working through both OT (~2 chapters/day) and NT (~1 chapter/day), with each day having a bit of a Psalm and a couple of verses of Proverbs.
I think that I probably have read most of the NT before, but was hazy about the OT books, and had expected most of them to be prophecy for some reason. So I was a bit surprised to find that in fact while there were quite a lot of little books of prophecy, the bulk of it was historical. I think I had been quite vague about the split of the kingdom, and exile etc., so it was good to read this (and I tried referring to Wikipedia for background on each of the books).
Something that struck me was how much the NT was consistent with the OT. On several occasions the NT passage for the day seemed to refer (thematically, if not literally) to the OT passage for the day. I don't think this was down to the reading plan: it's just that there is an overall coherence to the whole book.
After finishing this, I started on another plan to read the whole Bible in a year: this time it's "chronological" so it's going to jump about a bit between books, but I think that'll help with the latter part of the OT especially.
Finished the "chronological" one in March 2013, and it was an interesting way of doing it - I hadn't thought of where Job would fit, but in this plan it came shortly after the flood. On the whole though I'm not sure I liked this plan so much - partly because you get a lot of days reading Psalms (in the other plan you had a single Psalm or part-Psalm every day, and partly because in some cases (e.g. Kings and Chronicles) you end up reading almost exactly the same text twice, because those books overlap events.
It's quite striking how much there can be in a given reading, and how it can be hard to spend time taking it in. In fact, I can't spend enough time concentrating every day and so the read-through mainly benefits me by getting me gradually more familiar with the Bible. But when you hear a sermon on a short passage that was just one of 5 sections you read a couple of days ago, you realise how much meat there is in there.
I've started a new plan, which mixes OT and NT every day.
The OT/NT mixture was good, but the main problem was - similar to last year - you get weeks when you're reading Psalms every day. And it's hard to appreciate them properly when you read them like that. I think I'd like to do the first plan again.
Completed : 05-Mar-2012
Completed : 05-Mar-2013
Completed : 05-Mar-2014
Completed : 31-Dec-2017 - this was the Nicky and Pippa Gumbel(?) one - it was good to have one with devotional sections, but ideally I think I'd rather have a bible in 2 years with them, because one year felt a bit of a rush.
Completed : 31-Dec-2018 - this was the "In the Word" plan was a
one-year "complete" Bible study. It was good in that it had little bits of
commentary for each day, but these were of variable quality: some just said
"read this bit" and some just said "reflect on what you've learned in the
last section" with no bits to read at all. It didn't attempt to cover the
complete text, so skipped lots of bits.