A drug dealer is killed when he attacks a young boy in a park, and the boy picks up a brick and swings at his assailant. The ripples from this spread out as the various criminal gangs who are competing for drug territory fight one another and try to seek/prevent retribution for the death.
This had a rather amateurish prose style and used the wrong words sometimes
e.g. "quipped" when something wasn't at all funny, such as:
The white space in the book was bizarre (perhaps this is just a Kindle
thing) with the a large chunk of whitespace before each paragraph, including
in the middle of reported speech, so you keep thinking it's a change of
scene when it isn't. And the punctuation wasn't great, e.g.
And the plot was made hard to follow because there were quite a few sets of characters:
The various gangs were in league/double crossing each other and I found it very hard to keep track of who was who. Also hard to know which set of characters to pay attention to
Some bits were quite exciting/tense but it didn't flow well enough to keep me gripped, and I kept stumbling over the awkward phrasing, bad punctuation, and surprising whitespace.
Probably wouldn't bother with another by this author.
Completed : 4-February-2017