Hidden Knowledge, by Bernadine Bishop

Thought Unexpected Lessons in Love was good, so thought I'd try another. She wrote three books before she died of cancer and this was the second. This is sort of focused on a priest who molested a child who later killed himself: years later the mother tries to work out what actually happened.

Notes I made:

Theme of people having done something wrong which they know can’t be discovered unless they confess to it.

It wasn't as good as first book. It was an interesting /brave storyline - I'm not sure if you're meant to have sympathy for Roger the priest but I can't say I really did even though he came clean at the end: this felt like something he was doing for his own benefit rather than to help others.

There was a second storyline about Julia who's Mark's sister, determining to have a baby by getting sperm from an ex boyfriend and then moving back home to live with her mum Betty, who in the book is coming to terms with her husband's death but also trying to find what happened to mark. The Julia story overlaps a bit with the main one because Julia's handyman was abused by Roger and tells Julia how he's decided to go to police about this. But I thought the Julia pregnancy stuff felt like an unrelated short story that had been tagged on - unless I was missing something

Completed : 08-Jun-2018

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