Our House, by Louise Candlish

Told alternately by husband and wife but not in chronological order and with some details withheld until later in the book to allow for surprises. Fi comes home to find someone else in the process of moving into her house: turns out they’ve bought it and her husband has secretly arranged its sale and then disappeared.

Promising setup but you find out fairly soon what the background was - why the husband did it - and much of the book is just following the consequences. Couple of sort of twists/reveals later on in the book and a final one at the end don’t really add much. Neither Fi nor her husband is very sympathetic character - especially husband is pretty irredeemable even though he’s got sob story background of his father having committed suicide while in prison.

The narrator wasn't great - On a couple of occasions when she’s reading tweets she pronounces “*” as “asterix”

A book that was very disappointing given the number of rave reviews “WINNER OF CRIME & THRILLER BOOK OF THE YEAR AT THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS 2018” really???? Must have been a pretty bad year is all I can say

Completed : 17-Dec-2019 (audiobook)

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