The Stars Like Dust, by Isaac Asimov

Shares a theme with The Currents of Space in that there is one planet which is subject to the control of another (the Tyranni, which is a bit of a giveaway name).

This has a section set on earth: in Currents of Space, "earth" was regarded as something of a myth by the Sarkites/Florinians, although the main character Rik in that book claimed to have come from earth.

Good titles for people eg “autarch of lingange” (autarch is a real word meaning absolute power, which I didn't know until I looked it up). And a level of society called "Ranchers".a

As with currents of space I had a little trouble keeping track of who was who is the social order. Not such a good book as that one although there were nice touches with biron Farrell, the hero, explaining how he deduced what was going on, using facts that were available to the reader, had we only had his insight Enjoyed it, but it felt a bit slight.

Completed : 19-Nov-2019

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