Started Early, Took My Dog, by Kate Atkinson

Fourth of the Jackson Brodie books. This is the one where Brodie is trying to uncover the family history of a woman now living in New Zealand, and his story is mixed up with that of the with the actress who's got dementia, and the ex-policewoman who adopts/abducts a child.

It's only three weeks since I finished this one but I had to look at Amazon to remind me of the synopsis. This was another good read, but it feels a bit like she's trying more to come up with this style of interlinked stories for the sake of it, and it came across as a bit mechanical. Mind you, the writing is still good, so it's worth reading, just it wasn't as good as the earlier books. And the fact that I couldn't remember what happened shows how unimportant the plot was. E.g. I can still remember the plots of the first three books (especially One Good Turn, which was the best I think.

Completed : 13-Feb-2011

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