Vinegar Girl, by Anne Tyler

Supposedly a re-telling of The Taming of the Shrew although I don't think I'd have picked that up. Steve recommended this to me.

At about half-way through, I noted that I wasn't enjoying it a great deal, maybe because I didn't really like any of the characters - they none of them seem sympathetic. Kate is objectionable, her sister Bunny is vacuous, her dad is unfeeling, Pyotor(sp?) is a bit dull. Not liking them means I don't really mind what happens - although I assume that Kate and Pyotor get together in the end as per Shakespeare One or two chuckles but not particularly funny. I remember Breathing Lessons was a lot more engaging.

At the end, Pyotr and Kate get married as expected and fall in love as expected but it felt a bit sudden and I didn’t grow to like them

I am not sure how closely this is meant to mirror the play - I know that that ends a bit abruptly and there are questions about whether bits of it are missing and what Shakespeare was trying to get at so perhaps it reflects that bit I am pretty sure the play doesn’t have an epilogue about Kate’s child which this book does.


Completed : 26-Jun-2019 (audiobook)

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