Want You Gone, by Christopher Brookmyre

"Jack Parlabane Book 8". Thought it was a bit too long, and not as good as Not as good as Black Widow.

Sam is a young computer hacker; her sister Lily is in her care because their mother's in prison. For some reason their house is broken into and he starts being blackmailed - presumably by people who want something their mum knows about. But Sam is able to enlist the help of fellow on-line gamers who have amazing computer skills...

The audiobook had a female narrator who occasionally lisps. I think it's the performer who's lisping rather than the characters. In fact I did try finding a copy of the book to read it and see if the lisps were written in, and tried concentrating on bits of the book she read to see if she lisped when reporting voices other than her own so it was a bit of a distraction.

Lily was very annoying - e.g. wanting attention at key points of plot. This is presumably to show how annoying it was for Sam herself but as a reader I just felt it was irritating and getting in the way of the story.

It was OK, but a bit predictable in that we all know that Sam, who starts the book getting bad deals on all sides (mum in prison, school students being mean to her, people robbing her flat, social security turning her down for benefits, looking after sister with Down's syndrome), will triumph in the end.

Completed : 09-Jan-2018 (audiobook)

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