Behaviourism (03-Oct-2002)

Classical Conditioning

Operant Conditioning



  1. Psychology: A New Introduction for A Level (2nd edition), Gross et al

Web links

  1. George Boeree's Page on Skinner

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Experiments can reliably demonstrate that conditioning does occur.

Experiments can demonstrate that classical and operant conditioning do work, but this can’t necessarily be extrapolated to prove that all behaviour is a result of conditioning,

Has real and demonstrable therapeutic use.

"Tabula rasa" view can’t explain unconditional responses – e.g. while it can explain how little Albert learns to be frightened of rats, it doesn’t explain why he’s frightened of loud noises.

Sounds "plausible"

It’s not possible to completely identify all aspects of the environment that may have affected a person, so it is limited in its potential application.


Doesn’t explain the ability to respond to totally new situations, viz. Intelligence or insight.