Face Recognition : Young, Hellawell & Hay (1987)

Aims: Investigate how people recognise faces

Procedure: Ps presented with famous people's faces that had been artificially constructed so that the top half of one person's face was combined with the bottom half of a different person's face. In group A, pictures top and bottom halves were closely aligned. In group B, pictures were less closely aligned

Findings: P's were less successful in recognizing the "aligned" faces

Conclusion: Face recognition is a holistic process; people recognize the whole face rather than identifying key features of it

Strength: Provides evidence that "identikit" pictures may not be a very good idea.

Weakness 1: Difficult to standardise the test due to the uniqueness of each face

Weakness 2: Lacks mundane realism; in real life, faces are not witnessed in a motionless, 2D state.

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